Smuggler: A Cryptoanarchists View on Bitcoin, Democracy, Dark Nets and Privacy


The Bitcoin & Co. podcast is a bitcoin-only show that’s focusing on the why of Bitcoin. Why is it important for humanity, what are the implications from a privacy perspective, how are we able to grow this space together, what are the visions of the people who drive the Bitcoin space. I want to look behind the scenes and take you with me on this journey.

Sometimes my guests are rather critical about bitcoin, which I think, is a good thing. Bitcoiners tend to be full of hopium and forget to look for possible downsides. But only with critical thinking, things can be improved. Todays guest is Smuggler, a cryptoanarchist I met at the Hackers Congress in Prague. We had a wide ranging conversation about cryptoanarchy, privacy, technology and democracy and he shares some – at least in the Bitcoin space – unpopular opinions about Bitcoin. He also shares some methods to escape mass surveillance on your phone and computer. I think it is a great conversation, which is why it is longer than usual.

“Cryptography is better for honest people, than for dishonest people.” – Smuggler

“Decisions should be made where the highest effect is to be felt.” – Smuggler

We talk about:

  • Nation States, corporations, politicians and power

  • Cryptography and dangers of technology

  • His vision of the future

  • Alternatives to the state and the market

  • Bitcoin governance

  • Where Bitcoin sucks

  • Scrit Cash

  • Privacy and mass surveillance

  • Pseudonomous societies

  • Dark nets and the dark web

  • Anonymity and civility

  • How to be not mass surveillanced

  • IP intelligence

Thanks to Paralelni Polis for the picture of Smuggler.


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