5 Podcasts

The Biz with John Carvalho

Welcome to a new podcast experiment

This new podcast series is focused on lifting the veil on the business side of Bitcoin.

The Biz features John Carvalho interviewing Bitcoin professionals about their valuable experiences as founders, product designers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs building the Bitcoin products of tomorrow.

Here’s the twist!

There will be no ads and no sponsors, allowing unbiased content.

Each episode is locked behind a“crowdwall”and will become incrementally available as BTC payments are made.
Once the full goal for an episode is reached, each episode will be unlocked publicly for everyone, and distributed to popular podcast platforms for free.

Give the gift of BTC
50% of all proceeds for the first season of The Biz will be donated to a cause chosen by each guest.

Follow the Biz @thebizbtc on Twitter
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Growth Marketing and Retention for Bitcoin Businesses

In this episode April covers a lot ground related to media buying and the spectrum of marketing meth…
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Bitcoin Business for Dummies with Junseth

In this episode of The Biz, Junseth and John have a candid conversation about Bitcoin businesses and…
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Kristy-Leigh Minehan

The third episode of The Biz with John Carvalho has been unlocked! In this episode, John hosts veter…
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Gabriel Shapiro

Gabriel Shapiro (BSV Law), and John discuss everything from 3-letter agencies, to ICOs, to the old d…
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Austin Hill

In this episode, John Carvalho, AKA BitcoinErrorLog, speaks with Austin Hill, the former CEO of Bloc…
  • 1 - 5 of 5 The Biz with John Carvalho
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