136 Tutorials

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Run your own Bitcoin Node! It's not hard just do it!

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Bitcoin veilig bewaren! Proof of keys | Les 83

Deze aflevering komt uit op 3 januari, de verjaardag van Bitcoin en tevens "proof of keys" dag. Een …
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BitAxe Supra Tutorial in combinatie met Noderunners Miningpool - Nederlands

In deze praktijkles van de Bitcoin School bespreken we de BitAxe Supra We laten op een praktische …
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Zelf bitcoin minen met de Bitaxe Supra

Van harte welkom in de Nodezaak van Satoshi Radio! Dit is de plek waar je alles kan vinden over Bitc…
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SeedSigner + SeedKeeper: Adding Affordable Secure Element Storage to DIY Bitcoin Hardware Wallet

SeedSigner + SeedKeeper: Adding Affordable Secure Element Storage to DIY Bitcoin Hardware Wallet …
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BTCPay Server and Coldcard wallet - PSBT Sending from a wallet airgapped

In this video we show you how to sign a transaction with your Coldcard in a airgapped manner aka PSB…
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$10 bitcoin Hardware Wallet, DIY/FOSS/ESP32/easy build!

Includes web installer for easy build https://github.com/lnbits/hardware-wallet Uses the incredible…
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bitcoinSwitch EASY BUILD with websockets!

Websockets, multiple GPIOs, a brand spanking new web-installer/web-config! https://github.com/lnbit…
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LNPoS 2 OFFLINE bitcoin point-of-sale (easy install and build)

Flash and configure LNPoS directly from the browser, no technical knowledge needed! https://github.…
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Bitcoin's Lightning Network: Why It's Changing The World (+ Free Bitcoin Giveaway)

Get 10 Satoshis on Lightning Network FREE for watching this video (seriously)! If you've been aro…
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How to SAFELY Use Your Bitcoin Lightning Node On-The-Go

If we really want Bitcoin Lightning Network to grow in adoption, we need to actually USE it in the r…
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The Most Powerful App For Your Bitcoin Lightning Node... EVER!

What if I told you that with one click of one app that is already available on your Bitcoin Lightnin…
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Nunchuk Tutorial: Collaborative Bitcoin Multisig Made Easy

Today we explore Nunchuk, an open-source Bitcoin wallet featuring encrypted end-to-end chat for faci…
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FOSSA - Cheap Offline Bitcoin ATM, Includes Bill Acceptor!

Huge update for the FOSSA (Free and Open-Source SUPER ATM), bitcoin LNURL powered (OFFLINE!) ATM. E…
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I Automated My Bitcoin Lightning Network Node... Here's What Happened

For the last two months, my Bitcoin lightning network node has been running fully autonomously. In t…
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Boltcard Extension Demo (Bitcoin NFC Tap and Pay Payments)

Create and manage LNURL powered NFC cards (NTAG 424), that create a fresh withdraw for each merchant…
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Bitcoin Crowdfunding: How To Receive & Give Uncensorable Donations

Today we take a look at two options for crowdfunding with Bitcoin: Tallycoin & Geyser! Supporting bo…
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⚡️ How to Get Started With Bitcoin Lightning Network

Let's be honest. Bitcoin's Lightning Network can be super confusing - even if you're a seasoned Bitc…
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BOLT 12 & The Bitcoin Lightning Network

In today's video we take a closer look at the BOLT 12 (Offers) specification for the bitcoin lightni…
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Get A Lightning Network Address... Direct To Your Bitcoin Full Node!

One of the biggest err.. "challenges" for people to get their head around when it comes to Bitcoin L…
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bitcoinSwitch, retrofit any device to accept bitcoin!

Run natively on lightning, or use LNURLPay for static QR codes (screenless devices). Once flashed, t…
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The World's Smallest Bitcoin Hardware Wallet

Greetings, Honeybadgers! In this video, I review the exciting new hardware wallet by Tangem, a ne…
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Open Source Stage - Full Livestream - #Bitcoin 2022 Conference

Open Source Stage - Full Livestream - #Bitcoin 2022 Conference #bitcoin #bitcoinmagazine #bitcoin20…
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BTCPay Server Tutorial: How To Accept Bitcoin As Payment Or Donation

In today's video we discuss BTCPay Server setup and how to accept bitcoin as payment or crowdfund bi…
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COLDCARD Seed XOR - Robust Bitcoin Backup

Seed XOR backups with the Coldcard wallet can allow for a more robust and physical duress-resistant …
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