Get A Lightning Network Address... Direct To Your Bitcoin Full Node!

One of the biggest err.. "challenges" for people to get their head around when it comes to Bitcoin Lightning Network is the idea of a lightning "invoice." Yes, in order to receive a payment on Bitcoin Lightning Network, you need to send someone an invoice with exactly how much you expect to get paid. This is tricky if you want to get payments that you're not exactly expecting, such as tips - especially if you want to receive them directly to your own Bitcoin Full Node, such as your Umbrel, MyNode, RaspiBlitz, etc.

Fortunately, there is a NEW protocol called LNURL, and something even built upon that called "The Lightning Address." This allows you to receive a Bitcoin Lightning Network payment - directly to your node - by simply giving someone an email address. Pretty cool, right?

But up until now, you've had to be very technical to do this directly to your own Bitcoin Lightning Network Node - or, rely on custodial lightning network implementations such as BlueWallet, ZeebeeDee, LNTXBOT, etc.

Fortunately, in THIS video, I'm going to show you a (mostly) trustless way to set up your very own Bitcoin Lightning Network Address - directly to your Bitcoin Full Node - that anyone can follow. I'll be demonstrating it on Umbrel, but it should be more or less the same for MyNode, RaspiBlitz, Citadel, etc.

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Jonathan Levi - Bitcoin for the Masses

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