How To Choose The Right Lightning Network Channels For Your Bitcoin Node


⚡️ Opening the right channels on your Bitcoin lightning network node can mean the difference between routing a payment once in a blue moon and routing tens, or even hundreds of payments every single day and earning thousands upon thousands of Satoshis. But where exactly are you supposed to learn how to choose and open the right channels?

Because of the competitive nature of running a Bitcoin lightning node, people are not exactly volunteering the information on what they're doing. Routing channels are well stick around because in this video, I'm going to show you how I choose the channels that I open, how I validate, which are channels worth opening, and which are nodes that I want to partner with and how I have gone to increasing my routing tenfold using this exact method.

Whether you're running an Umbrel node, RaspiBlitz, myNode, or any other Bitcoin node, this guide will help you better choose your channels and earn more on Lightning Network!

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