10 Podcasts

Bitcoin Infinity Podcast

A show where we take you through the Bitcoin rabbit hole and beyond.
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BIP008 – Gigi on Proof of Work, Value for Value and Privacy

Join Ram and Krishna as they sit down with Gigi to discuss about Proof of Work, how Value-For-Value …
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BIP007 – Daniel Prince on Choosing Life, World Schooling, ESG and How Bitcoin Is Truth

Join Ram and Krishna as they sit down with Daniel Prince to discuss how incentives are broken in the…
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BIP006 - Bitcoin vs Altcoins

Join Ram and Krishna as they discuss how altcoins like Ethereum compares with Bitcoin and if they ha…
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BIP005 - Bitcoin's Volatility & Intrinsic Value

Join Ram and Krishna as they tackle some of the common criticisms Bitcoin faces - Volatility and Int…
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BIP005 - Bitcoin's Volatility & Intrinsic Value

Join Ram and Krishna as they tackle some of the common criticisms Bitcoin faces - Volatility and Int…
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BIP004 - Bitcoin's Energy Consumption

Ram and Krishna take on the never-ending debate about Bitcoin's energy consumption. We recap why Bit…
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BIP004 - Bitcoin's Energy Consumption

Ram and Krishna take on the never-ending debate about Bitcoin's energy consumption. We recap why Bit…
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BIP003 - Bitcoin vs Governments

Ram and Krishna discuss some of the attack vectors to neutralize Bitcoin. We also discuss the effect…
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BIP002 - Bitcoin Fundamentals & Importance of Decentralization

 Ram and Krishna cover some Bitcoin fundamentals like miners, nodes, difficulty adjustment and the h…
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BIP001 - Bitcoin is Money

In this episode, Ram and Krishna talk about their journey in to the Bitcoin rabbit hole, the current…
  • 1 - 10 of 10 Bitcoin Infinity Podcast
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