7 Podcasts

SeedSigner How-to's

Demos, walkthroughs and tutorials on how to use a SeedSigner
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PiP Pill Assembly

Tutorial showing how to assemble a SeedSigner using the PiP (Print-in-Place) enclosure by @Printer_G…
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Verifying Your SeedSigner Software Download

Tutorial showing how to verify a SeedSigner software download from our official GitHub repo. For mo…
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Multi-Signature Wallet Setup & Spend with Nunchuck

Tutorial showing how to set up a 2-of-3 mutli-signature wallet using Nunchuk on testnet. Video inclu…
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Private Key / Seed Creation & Documentation with SeedSigner (v0.5.0)

Tutorial covering the different ways to securely create & record a new private key / seed with SeedS…
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Download, Verify & Write SeedSigner Image to MicroSD using Tails

If you have any reason to believe your system could be infected with malware, or are simply looking …
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Sparrow Receive/Change Address Verification Demo

Quick and dirty tutorial on how to verify receive & change addresses for both single signature and m…
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BlueWallet Watch-Only Setup & Spend Demo

Quick and dirty tutorial on how to set up & spend from a BlueWallet watch-only wallet using SeedSign…
  • 1 - 7 of 7 SeedSigner How-to's
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