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Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_732 - We Need More Apps With Lightning, Not More Lightning Apps [Roy Sheinfeld]

"Permission can only be denied if it is requested. Direct, peer-to-peer interaction obviates permiss…
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Read_731 - Let's Grow Nostr [Jack Spirko]

"The biggest complaint members of my audience make about Nostr is the sheer dominance of Bitcoin con…
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Read_730 - High Fees? Bitcoin is Working as Designed [Matt Odell]

"Bitcoin transaction fees limit network abuse by making usage expensive. There is a cost to every tr…
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Read_729 - BRICS, USD, and a Multipolar World [James Lavish]

"This very dominance is causing certain countries to seek a way to be less dependent on the USD and …
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Read_728 - Who Controls Bitcoin Core [Jameson Lopp]

"The question of who controls the ability to merge code changes into Bitcoin Core’s GitHub repositor…
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Guy's Take #66 - Pooping in the Park

Bitcoin is a public good. The maintenance and stewardship of the network rests on the conviction and…
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Read_727 - The Banking Crisis Stays, & the Treasury is Broke [Nik Bhatia, Joe Consorti]

"The fall of First Republic Bank was the second-largest bank failure by assets in US history, puttin…
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Read_726 - The Nostr Privacy Paradox [L0LA L33TZ]

"If Tor is an anonymous remailer, meaning a protocol facilitating the anonymous forwarding and recei…
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Read_725 - Operation Choke Point 2.0 is Underway [Nic Carter]

"Banks are highly regulated public-private partnerships in an environment where new charters are exc…
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Read_724 - The Virtue of Selfishness - The Objectivist Ethic [Ayn Rand]

"The title of this book may evoke the kind of question that i hear once in a while: "Why do you use …
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Read_723 - Alchemy - Everything Divided By 21 Million [Knut Svanholm]

"Central Banking is successful alchemy in this sense. The money- issuing institutions of the world h…
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Read_722 - Purple Text, Orange Highlights [Dergigi]

"I believe that in the open /attention/ information economy we find ourselves in, value will mostly …
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Read_721 - IMF Unveils New Global Currency "Universal Monetary Unit" [Tyler Durden]

"Can you imagine a world in which you are restricted from buying meat for a while because you have a…
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Basics_06 - The Lightning Network

The Lightning Network finally strikes in this Bitcoin Basics episode! Now that we understand the fun…
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Read_720 - A History of Bitcoin Maximalism [Jameson Lopp]

"This was how more mainstream Bitcoin culture degraded from intellectual expressions of ideas (2017-…
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Read_719 - All You Can Hold for Five Bucks [Joseph Mitchell]

"“In the old days they didn’t even use tables and chairs. They sat on beer crates and ate off the to…
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Read_718 - Bitcoin Does Not Waste Electricity [Beautyon_}

"Of all the objections to Bitcoin, the objection that it “wastes” electricity is the most absurd. Th…
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Read_717 - How To Wreck a Big Old GSIB [DeepThroatIPO]

"Generally, what we’re talking about here is unregulated (or lightly regulated), uninsured investors…
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Guy's Take #65 - Banks, Digital Money, and a Cat

Prices are relative, Bitcoin is infinitely scalable, stability for the sake of stability is undesira…
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