Read_717 - How To Wreck a Big Old GSIB [DeepThroatIPO]


"Generally, what we’re talking about here is unregulated (or lightly regulated), uninsured investors, LLCs, Funds and privately controlled “Shadow Banking” assets. In 2021, these OFI Assets scattered around the planet amounted to $152.0 Trillion (Again, not including China’s non reported OFI) or roughly 172 x JP Morgan’s relatively miniscule $884 Billion of Cash and Equivalents immediately available to liquidate/sell/wire-out without generating a FASB 115 loss.

I hope this simple calculation puts the JP Morgan/Chase “fortress like” Balance Sheet in perspective. JP Morgan/Chase, America’s biggest bank, through our own, expansive, monetary policy, has become but a pimple on the global financial system’s buttocks." DTIPO

Today we dive into a really fascinating thought experiment on the Western Financial System from an adversarial position. Has the West become too arrogant to assume that no one would attack them? That because of their sheer size, they are protected? That they are "indispensable" in such a way that no wealthy nation could or would attack them, even as they use their monetary system explicitly as a weapon against competitor nations? Nations, in fact, that may have a large interest in seeing the Western system implode? What if we run the numbers and see what that risk really is...

Check out the original to follow the links to verify or check out the data yourself. I'd be eager to see further discussion of this possibility and what, if anything, can truly be done to secure such a levered and bloated financial system from attack. And check out the many other things they cover below:

Guy's Nostr Pubkey: npub1h8nk2346qezka5cpm8jjh3yl5j88pf4ly2ptu7s6uu55wcfqy0wq36rpev

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"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."  

— Thomas Jefferson

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