In a previous wildly popular video, I listed out all the reasons why you should be running your very own Bitcoin node, using something like Umbrel, MyNode, or RaspiBlitz. And in that video, I didn't stop to consider one very important question: what (if anything) are you actually contributing to the Bitcoin network by running a bitcoin full node?
I decided to do this video not only to encourage more of you to run your own Bitcoin node (because clearly, based on my previous "why you run your own Bitcoin lightning node," I've done a good enough job of that. I did it because I myself was curious - and also, because I've been deeply embroiled in a Twitter Battle with BitcoinSV / BSV retards, who think that there's no real reason to run a Bitcoin full node, and don't believe in Lightning Network. *Sighh...* but that's another topic for another day.
In any case, stick around, because in this video, I'm going to explain all the actual ways that you contribute to the Bitcoin network when you run a Bitcoin full node. So if you're considering setting up a MyNode, RaspiBlitz, Citadel, Start9, or Umbrel Bitcoin Node, you won't want to miss this.
By the way, Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a shitcoin. Don't believe anyone who tells you Bitcoin SV is the "real" Bitcoin.