
BTC Vs ETH Episode Review with Udi Wertheimer - WBD255


Location: Squadcast Date: Monday 24th Aug Company: Independent Role: Developer and Consultant, Bitcoin Activist

A deep divide exists between the Bitcoin and Ethereum communities. Bitcoin is conservative and slow and appeals to people who value sound money, censorship resistance and decentralisation. The Ethereum mindset is to "move fast and break things" with broader goals that many Bitcoiners see as flawed and impossible to achieve.

Following my recent episode with Samson Mow and Vitalik Buterin, the responses demonstrated the split in these two communities. Finding impartial voices able to consider the arguments from both camps objectively is challenging, so I asked Udi Wertheimer to come on the show and dissect the interview with me. 

We discuss the Bitcoin Maximalist mindset, flaws with the Ethereum protocol and the supplygate saga.

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