Meme Lords Edition: Yellow, RD, Greg Zaj


Written by Alexandra Moxin

This episode features Yellow, Greg Zaj, and RD the Chief Meme Lords (Chief Meme Officers) recently hired at Strike. Yellow created the character Yellow and pop cat and all three (of nine) are behind the #LaserRayUntil100K phenomenon on Twitter.

We discuss origin stories, Bitcoin Twitter, surviving bull markets and discovering the true value of bitcoin, the “Office” style banter, how they connected with Jack Mallers, CEO and Founder of Strike, and who is responsible for laser eyes appearing all over Twitter including Elon Musk, Michael Saylor, and Cynthia Lummis.

We talk about each creator’s popular memes that gained traction including the videogame video meme of the character Yellow, RD’s Elon Musk/Lion King meme and poking fun at one another while honing their craft #SorryNotSorry.

Yellow explains how the character Yellow came into existence. RD talks about how he and Yellow met after he created the pop cat #HaveFunStayingPoor meme. I ask each guest their thoughts on what is Bitcoin Twitter and Yellow provides more insight about pop cat.

You can reach this episode’s guests on Twitter at @ICOffender, @gregzaj1 and @RD_btc, and be on the lookout for hot new memes dropping every Friday.

For the record, the six additional meme lords responsible for #LaserRayUntil100K are Chairforce, Perro Alfa, Sean Harris, Plan Marcus, Microchad, Labrahodl

Keep watching at the end for a preview of outtakes you’ll see on Advance Tech Podcast, Behind The Scenes later this week.

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timing points by, edited by Alexandra

Backgrounds and Origin Stories

Yellow 0:55

I first read about it back in 2012. I think it took me a year to buy in. I found Bitcoin, basically I’m a product of my environment, due to the austerity here in Greece. I started researching why this shitshow here was happening so that led me to Bitcoin in a forum. I opened my first account and then I started buying with whatever I had at the end of the month, little by little.

Greg Zaj 1:38

I recently was going back through my first transaction histories on an old Coinbase account which I no longer use because Coinbase sucks. In 2015 I made my first purchase and I guess that was my first entry into bitcoin. I bought $5 worth at something like $230, and since then, I continue to use the site to make online illicit purchases with my Bitcoin.

I think I collected somewhere around thirteen or fourteen Bitcoin all of which I sold very early on for very little money. I did the traditional trajectory that a lot of bitcoiners do: I got in early, did my shitcoining, I was an Eth-head for a while. Eventually, through Austrian economics, Rothbard and Mises, reading Robert Breedlove and following AmericanHODL on Twitter I came around to becoming a Bitcoin maximalist - it’s just the best way forward with Bitcoin.

RD 2:54

So I don’t know exactly when I first heard about Bitcoin, but I’ve been watching Max and Stacy on the Kaiser Report for years. So I must have heard it 100 times on there, it interested me, but I kept putting it off. I finally purchased an audiobook by Dominic Frisby called ‘Bitcoin the Future of Money’.

I’d primed myself for Bitcoin because I’d been reading a lot of books about economics and had just loads of questions about how the economy worked, what was going on with all the debt and everything. I finally got around to the audiobook, listened to the first chapter in my car and was like, this is the answer, this makes sense.

“I literally got out of my car, after listening to the first chapter of that book, and went and bought my first 50 quid worth of Bitcoin and haven’t looked back since. That was October 1st, 2017, and that was my orange pill moment.” RD

Learning the true value of Bitcoin from bull markets and bear markets.

RD 4:20

I actually had no idea there was a bull run going on because I wasn’t even listening to it on the news or anything. I heard a chapter out of a book, bought some, and then started seeing the price going up. I’m looking at it thinking, Jesus, I’m gonna be a millionaire by next year off of 50 quid.
Then, of course, it all started coming down after the peak in December two months later. That was when I really started learning what Bitcoin was after that peak. I’m like, okay, I’m not gonna be a millionaire but I need to know what this is. I need to basically build my conviction. That happened in 2018, I built my conviction, and it all just carried on from there.

Yellow 5:14

Bear markets do that.

Alexandra933 5:17

That’s a really good lesson for anyone who got into bitcoin back then and who’s still holding.

Why Yellow, Greg and RD started making memes and what led each to that journey.

Yellow 5:33

I think I was always a little bit artistic, but not that good. So, memeing, taking stuff from elsewhere works for me and I started memeing more seriously on Twitter. We have those degenerate threads we did with friends, not only bitcoiners but also shitcoiners, that made each other laugh during the bear market. It was like a kind of creative meditation for me.

Before I go to sleep, I will take something from here, I will put a face there and we’ll make each other laugh. So it started like that, silly stuff. When Strike came - it became a bit more serious. I try to meme more about Bitcoin, putting the message out there. It’s a very powerful tool if you know how to use it. Very easily and very quickly you can come up with the ideas that you stand for; then Strike came.

Greg Zaj 7:00

Pre-Bitcoin, I spent a lot of time on Reddit, fiat Greg was just like me in spirit. After finding the Investors Podcast with Preston Pysh, I realized there was a thing called Bitcoin Twitter, which I had no idea about. So I hopped on there and started poking around and seeing who was saying what.

It seemed like there was a dearth of the kind of memes that I liked, and I figured I could contribute in that way because I’m no Robert Breedlove, I’m not reading The Number Zero and Bitcoin, right. I’m not Pierre Rochard, I don’t have the mathematics degree or the pedigree in the corporate world to go after these large corporations.

“I’m no Michael Saylor, I don’t have a corporate treasury that I can just buy a boatload of Bitcoin with, but man, can I shitpost”. Greg Zaj

They were terrible at first, not just the content but the delivery, they were all just really bad. I would take premade memes and take a line, cross out the wording on it and replace it in handwriting with what I wanted the meme to say. I’ve only been doing this since June 2020-ish and all of my progress can be looked at as me being angry at somebody for doing a better job than me in a yelling match on Twitter.

Initially, it was AmericanHODL who put me in my place with a meme. Then Guy D. Bennett, Publord, he and I had a back and forth on Twitter a few times. It was fun but he was so much better than me. I needed to figure out what he was using and how he was doing it and discovered the Bitcoin Arsenal, which is run by Swan Bitcoin, with Corey and Brekkie.

That was a cool little community. They trade, not trade secrets but, basically what apps to use and where to find good formats for memes. It’s a good place to put some of your material and get feedback before you throw it into the crucible of Twitter. Twitter really is a crucible for work. If anybody wants to start memeing, just keep putting your stuff out there.

It’s gonna suck at first, and you’re gonna get instant feedback, but every once in a while you’ll do something right and it’ll be funny and you’ll get rewarded with likes. RD, I don’t remember how we found each other but at one point you did a video meme mocking me and I just crushed me. I couldn’t do video memes so I had to figure out how to do those.

When Yellow and I were trying to get Jack Maller’s attention with Strike we were both lamenting that he never got back because he’s so busy, he doesn’t care about these two idiots online shitposting. He basically responded in the thread: ‘hey, if you guys are really interested in doing this with Strike, create a private dm group, we’ll get this rolling’. I don’t know if Yellow was as surprised as I was but I was like oh my god, yes, please.

Yellow 10:26

I wasn’t that surprised actually because, before that I spammed the shit out of Jack’s dms for months, and at some point he did acknowledge it and dm’d me back: ‘okay, that sounds cool, but like leave me alone now’.

Greg Zaj 10:50

When Jack was asking who I was, Yellow, you were like, RD and I are really good at creating these high quality memes, and Greg makes funny pictures. I started using more video editing apps and creating memes that way and that’s been a lot of fun. But yeah, every step of my memeing journey has been basically trying to say f-you to somebody else.

Yellow 11:17

I have to acknowledge Greg has become so good in video editing so quickly. I really can’t believe what he’s coming up with these days.

RD 11:28

Props to Greg. Yeah, he’s definitely stepped up his game since the Strike thing started.

Greg Zaj 11:36

It’s all thanks to you malakas.

RD 11:39

We memed you into existence.

Greg Zaj 11:41

You did, you absolutely did.

RD 11:53

I’ve always been good with tech generally. If there’s an app, or you need to be able to do something, I’ve had a knack for being able to pick it up pretty quickly. That’s not true for everything else in life but it is for things like phones and computers, which is what I do for my living outside of being a Strike Meme Lord.

I would always have mates ask me to make something a meme or drop someone’s face in here and stuff like that, so I was always the guy that was getting asked to do that anyway. Just like Greg, I looked at a lot of memes online as well. Not on Reddit, but on all the other social media platforms and I love memes, love to laugh.

Meme culture was definitely engraved in my brain and then I made my first Bitcoin meme. It just burst out of my head one day last year, I think it was in April, and I must have sat for three or four hours putting it together. It was a bit sketchy, it certainly wasn’t the best, but it was the best I could do at the time. I posted it and it instantly went viral.

Yellow 13:34


RD 13:38

I thought, I just got lucky, have I peaked too soon? All the excitement went on for a few days and then I thought, well, maybe I can do a few more. I spend every day, nearly every waking hour, listening to Bitcoin podcasts and audiobooks; maybe that’s why I could do it. I just carried on from there and started making more and more Bitcoin memes and that was it really.

When it came to the Strike thing that we’re now involved in, especially the threads that Greg and Yellow are talking about, it was quite funny for me because it was not something we all talked about. Me and Greg were always shitposting around and at each other and for me to be in a thread with Greg was not unusual.

I started seeing these notifications, and thought: what have I been tagged in now by him? I think the first time I looked at it was when Jack replied to the thread. I was totally confused by the whole thing. The next thing I know we were in a group talking to Jack. The next day we’re on a Zoom call talking to Jack.

What it’s like working at Strike.

Yellow 15:17

We only have one chair, it sucks, we all take rotations to sit in the chair. We have a thing that basically me and Greg sit more in the chair, because we need it, and we put RD in the corner with a plant. Seriously, it’s basically a Slack room where we pitch ideas, we make memes about Strike and Bitcoin.

Those guys are extremely busy, Jack and the team, and Dylan, they will pop in and give feedback or direction they want to take some memes or something about a deal coming up, so it’s very casual. It’s an amazing job to have; I love working for those guys. They’re bitcoiners, people like us, like me and you and everybody. We talk everyday on Twitter and they’re very approachable. What’s not to love?

What goes on behind those ‘Office’ style tweets.

Greg Zaj 16:35

It’s not nice when he takes the chair and it really wasn’t nice when he locked me in the office. I had to go to therapy. Since then, because I keep losing all those key cards, I’m costing the company a lot of money replacing key cards. I broke the chair a little bit. I mean, it’s not it’s not totally broken, but it’s a little bit broken and it’s gonna come out of my paycheck is what Jack is telling me.

The guys in accounting keep telling me that they want to get me fired and I really don’t know why they do that. HR has been okay. It’s close to a hostile work environment but it’s not there yet. They’ve done a good job making me feel comfortable especially when they unlock the door for me in the bathroom when I lock myself in. Technically, none of us have been paid yet, so I’m not entirely sure we’re employed there, even though they keep taking money from me for the key cards.

Yellow 17:39

It’s all a dream

What it’s really like working at Strike.

Greg Zaj 17:44

Yellow did a great job explaining what the daily is at the job. It’s a Slack room, it’s very casual. We have a great time making fun of each other and bouncing ideas off one another and trying to get the attention of the boss.

Yellow 17:56

The funny thing Greg started on Twitter is now random people just jump in and play the part of the accounting department and we now have an intern, supposedly.

RD 18:17

Some people aren’t quite sure whether we’re serious or not.

The origin of LaserRayUntil100K

RD 18:36

It was definitely us and had nothing to do with Chairforce.

Greg Zaj 18:39

No, nothing at all. Chairforce is an attention seeking Bitcoin Twitter account and you can’t believe anything he says. Especially if he puts it in Crypto Cloaks.

Yellow 18:51

It was Jack Mallers who started it, right?

Greg Zaj 18:53

Yellow, sometimes you just have to zoom out, look at the big picture and realize that there’s more to life than Chairforce.

RD 19:00

And Pubby

Greg Zaj 19:02

RD I think you were actually part of the original back and forth with Chairforce on that one.

RD 19:08

Well in the group, even though there isn’t a group …

Greg Zaj 19:12

There’s no group

RD 19:12

There’s no group, no. I generally respond to as much as I can with those guys. Chairforce definitely came up with the hashtag. We all thought that’s a great idea, when do we do it, at 50k? It was all brainstormed about two weeks before. The idea was, as soon as we hit 50k, eight, nine of us were all going to change our avatars to laser eyes and drop the hashtag #LaserRayUntil100K. Of course, Greggy shot his load first.

Greg Zaj 20:05

You were all sleeping.

RD 20:08

And it was very debatable whether we actually were at 50k. But it was close enough.

Yellow 20:14

I think it was a Korean site where it was at 50K.

Greg Zaj 20:19

North Korea.

Yellow 20:20

Stop making fun of Craig.

Greg Zaj 20:21

Yeah, stop making fun of Craig.

RD 20:24

Sorry, I’m really picking on him tonight.

Greg Zaj 20:28

This isn’t bad compared to the normal.

RD 20:32

I’m much better at picking on you via memes. So yeah, that was the idea. Once we hit 50k I woke up here, it was about six or seven am, and I’d seen that Greg had already done that so I thought I better do it as well. We all had the Wall Street shades on still so it was all about taking the shades off. We all took the shades off and then, well, it just went absolutely crazy after that.

Greg Zaj 21:08

Nobody expected it to do what it did. Nobody expected Elon Musk and Michael Saylor and Cynthia Lummis, and some guy in Denmark running for office to end up with laser eyes.

For the record, who are the nine people involved creating the Laser Eyes phenomenon on Twitter?

Greg Zaj 21:27

The three of us, Pedro. Sean. @RE_TWEET, Big Sean Harris, Chairforce, Plan B, MTC BTC. Someone’s gonna be mad, I’m forgetting about them…

Yellow 21:42


Greg Zaj 21:43

LabraHODL! If there were a group those would be the people that might be in the group.

RD 21:52

But there’s definitely not a group.

Greg Zaj 21:54

There’s definitely not a group and we’ll deny any accusations of such a group’s existence.

Famous memes, gaining traction, and the overall process creating memes.

Greg Zaj 22:09

She’s talking to you two, not me. I don’t have any popular memes.

RD 22:15

Anything I’ve tagged you guys in is pretty popular.

Greg Zaj 22:19

RD, he’s got the magic touch. Dude, you could put a banana up on the screen with duct tape and you would get two thousand likes.

Yellow 22:26

He is annoying…

Greg Zaj 22:29

It is annoying and we love you, and your genius, but we hate you.

RD 22:37

Sorry, not sorry.

Yellow 22:43

I have two categories of memes. I might do a meme that shows something happening in the news about Bitcoin or something silly happening in shitcoins, that’s also a fun meme to make. Something will pop in my mind of a video I had seen in some forum. I save a lot of memes just in case I use them in the future so I’ll go back to my phone or I’ll Google that meme, download it and make it relative to the current news.

“I made a 32 bit meme of my character the Yellow thing jumping like a video game that I found on YouTube. I made a whole level of that character going through the journey of things I’ve been through like mt Gox and all the FUD we’ve been through.” Yellow

Then there’s the other kind of memes that are kind of personal. Or, the meme that I have in my Twitter where I was kind of fed up with Twitter. Making slowly that meme made me come back to Twitter and memeing and in general and the bongo cat meme. I have a few that I enjoyed making and I enjoyed that they became popular and people liked it, as I did.

RD 24:15

I have a few different ways to meme as well. I really like to do a serious kind of hard hitting meme that hits a sweet spot but also I like to do funny not so serious memes. My most popular meme that went ridiculously viral, which I did not expect at all, was one that I did of a guy with a Bitcoin over his head kicking Elon Musk holding the Dogecoin dog up on the edge of the cliff.

If you remember the Lion King meme that he did, that literally just came from me seeing him post that meme and going: this guy, I want to kick him straight off that cliff. So I made it happen in a meme. Then it just exploded straight away and obviously everybody else was feeling the same way. That was so fun to do and, for it to go so viral, that was really me just making this stupid little meme that I like.

Quite often when I’m making them I’m not even thinking how, or whether, it’ll go viral or not. I’m literally just making what I’m thinking, come alive, and posting it . And it’s like, yeah, that’s it. It’s out there now and then sometimes they just explode. That was fun, and just brilliant for me to express my feelings that way, and for everyone else to to enjoy it and be dialed into it.

Yellow 26:00

That’s the thing with memes. You might be making a meme for two weeks and 200 people will like it; it’s very personal and you love making that meme but it won’t go that far. Then you might do something, on the spot, very spontaneous, and everybody will go crazy. And you will be wondering what, huh, how is this?

RD 26:25


The origin story of the character Yellow.

Yellow 26:30

The Yellow character was a character created by a guy called Mr. Oizo back in the 90s. He’s a French musician playing underground electronic music and he’s well known here in Europe. I had a toy growing up because my big brother was listening to rave and electronica and stuff like that.

I had my doxxed account in 2013 on Twitter but, when I made the anon account, I was trying to think of a good cartoon or something for an avi because everybody was using something silly and funny, and that’s the first thing that I saw in my room. He was still there standing and watching, so I tweaked it a bit, added the crazy eyes, and it slowly became what it is.

Alexandra933 27:33

Are there more adventures for Yellow? I know that you’ve done some short videos, are any of those coming up in the next few months?

Yellow 27:40

Yeah. Yellow’s taking a backseat because pop cat is popular, and I don’t know, I think we will see him in a short. It’s not the same because Yellow was always in the memes with Hodlonaut. So, it sucks now that he’s gone from Twitter.

Alexandra933 28:00

That was really unfortunate. I hate when people get doxxed, you know, they just want their privacy. Yeah, it’s a shame, he’ll be very much missed.

Greg Zaj 28:09

Well, if Yellow doesn’t make any more Yellow memes, rest assured me and RD will make some of him.

RD 28:14

That’s kind of how me and Yellow started talking. I made a Have Fun Staying Poor meme out of the pop cat and posted it to Yellow and that’s how we started chatting, wasn’t it Yellow? Before that, I’d seen your memes, I loved your memes because Yellow is the master.

When I saw him doing the pop cat meme I wanted to make pop cat say have fun staying poor. I was making a lot of those gifs at the time and I wasn’t quite sure how you’d feel about me doing it. I thought no, I’m gonna do it, and I’ll send it to you first and see if you like it or how you react. You loved it and we basically became mates after that. That was the start of our friendship.

Yellow 29:04

Yep. True. Yeah, for some reason I didn’t talk to the guys. I knew RD and Greg on Twitter but I never talked in dms for some reason maybe because, as I said, most of my friends are shitcoiners. I was always that bitcoiner like, the old guy yelling to the kids: stop messing around, you’re gonna get hurt, you know?

So I was always on Twitter with Investbro and Loomdart and Crypto Cobain, because I knew those guys back in 2013 when there wasn’t Bitcoin Twitter. We were kind of all together and we weren’t that divided. Back then it was all an experiment so it wasn’t that serious. Later, after I think 2020, 2019, I started interacting with the guys here.

Defining Bitcoin Twitter

Greg Zaj 30:13

Bitcoin Twitter is the home I didn’t know I needed ….oh my goodness. I was so long driving down that rabbit hole by myself reading Mises, and Rothbard, and When Money Dies and listening to the Investors Podcast; I had no idea. So anybody who’s interested in Bitcoin, who is going down this rabbit hole journey, we’re all here. We’re all happy to talk to you and have fun.

It’s like all the best economic minds of our time are on Bitcoin Twitter, talking to each other, sharing ideas, sharpening their ideas, pushing stuff out there, and pushing the boundaries of what you can do on Twitter. Bitcoin Twitter is awesome. It’s awesome. Those are my thoughts on Bitcoin Twitter; I don’t think I need to say anything else.

RD 31:04

It’s the common story with Bitcoin. In meatspace, you are quite isolated as a bitcoiner everyone thinks you’re a bit crazy, no one really wants to listen to you. Then when you get on Bitcoin Twitter, then you’re with your crew, and you have people who share the same ideas as you and what a wealth of knowledge as well.

I’d say I’ve learned half of what I know about Bitcoin via Bitcoin Twitter, so yeah, it’s just amazing. Love it. I always have fun and like a lot of people I’ve heard over the last three years complaining about Bitcoin Twitter, just how much arguing goes on there, I don’t think as a memer you get too involved in that. I personally don’t, anyway, unless we’re arguing with shitcoiners or nocoiners which is understandable.

Greg Zaj 32:08

Or if the price is sideways.

RD 32:11

Yeah, then we’re gonna argue with each other for sure cause there’s nothing better to do. Yeah, so that’s what it is to me, love it.

Yellow 32:25

So if you remember those old French comic books, Asterix and Obelix, it’s that village. We’re that village and the whole world around us is the Roman Empire of fiat. So basically, we’re the crazy ones in our own village doing our thing and being sovereign and don’t give a shit about anything else happening around us. Yeah, that’s basically it for me.

RD 32:53

That’s such a good way of describing it. I love that.

Yellow 32:56

Don’t steal that meme; I’m making it.

Yellow on creating Bitcoin Pop Cat.

Yellow 33:19

When I first saw pop cat on the internet, it was the perfect fit for Bitcoin. It’s a perfect analogy for bitcoiners and I love making a montage with pop cat and making mad other people. That’s the best meme I can make these days. Making those I always laugh so I know when I make a meme and I laugh it’s a good meme. I think it’s a great character.

Alexandra933 33:52

That one with Roger Ver was pretty classic.

Yellow 33:57

I was actually trying to figure other instances. I think Richard Heart has a similar one where he freaks out in an interview. I have to find more like that because it fits perfectly.

Greg Zaj 34:10

Dude, do Mark Cuban talking about bananas, you kidding me?

Yellow 34:14

That one yeah. Fuck Mark Cuban.

Greg Zaj 34:17

Yeah, fuck Mark Cuban.

Yellow 34:18

Who cares. Roger Ver is a classic villain for us. Mark Cuban is a guy playing with NFTs, it’s not the same.

Questions for listeners and viewers. How you can find Greg, RD, and Yellow.

Greg Zaj 34:41

Why haven’t you bought Bitcoin yet? What’s wrong with you? You should go buy bitcoin. Save yourself, save your family, buy some Bitcoin. You can find me on Twitter at @gregzaj1. Feel free to go throw obscenities at me, that’s what a lot of people like to do these days, and hopefully I’ll see you there.

RD 35:02

Why haven’t you got laser eyes yet? Why are you so bearish? I’m on Twitter at @RD_btc and Instagram as well, but I only really engage with people on Twitter. Instagram, I use as a catalog for my memes, so if I posted it on Twitter, I post it on Instagram as well. It’s so much easier to find my old memes on Instagram than it is on Twitter.

If you already follow me, thank you, and thanks for sharing and liking my memes and mainly supporting Bitcoin really, because that’s what it’s all about for me. I like to hide behind my memes and let my memes do my talking.

Alexandra933 35:55

There’s the concept of memeing things into existence, so I think there’s a lot of power to memes.

Greg Zaj 36:01

We just repackage what’s already real and make it a little more visible.

Yellow 36:05

They can find me at @ICOffender pretty much everywhere. I’m mostly on Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, and I have one question: what’s your favorite color? Self-explanatory.

Alexandra933 36:31

I’m excited to see what happens with what you’re cooking up at Strike. Is there anything you can talk about as a preview for listeners and viewers?

Greg Zaj 36:39

Every Friday we’re dropping an epic meme.

RD 36:46

And as for the future? I don’t think it’ll be long before Greg gets fired.

Yellow 36:53

I think, in all seriousness, big news is coming very soon so stay tuned. Be ready to download it whoever hasn’t already. We’re gonna see that monster start his engines.

Greg Zaj 37:06

Buckle up.

Yellow 37:07

Buckle up. Exactly.

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