Base58 n' Coding: @niftynei intros developing on Core-Lightning

Base58's Summer Series of open-source project deep dives. Core-Lightning maintainer @niftynei does a deep dive on how CLN works. We see the gossip_store, decode some wire messages, look at the process tree, use the script, write an RPC call and fix an issue! All in 2hrs.

0:00:00 Welcome to Base58 'n Coding, Kody's Intro
0:00:20 Lisa's Intro (What is Base58, What is Core-Lightning?)
0:01:35 Kody talks about the Links (see Links section)
0:03:08 Demo of the Replit for CoreLN Walkthrough (see Links)
0:04:40 Intro to Lightning (What is lightning)
0:12:39 Lightning BOLTs
0:14:36 Core-Lightning, how to use help
0:15:50 Lisa attempts to setup
0:18:49 Configuring and installing a CoreLN node
0:23:01 Running
0:25:20 What's in a CoreLN .lightning directory?
0:26:09 the config file
0:28:12 lightning process tree: daemons + plugins (
0:35:00 the log file
0:35:33 All the lil daemons that lightningd starts up
0:38:22 Using start_ln (from startup_regtest) and connecting nodes
0:40:41 Adding funds to a CoreLN node
0:41:47 Reading the docs for the fundchannel command
0:43:42 Opening a channel between two peers
0:47:10 Locking in a channel
0:48:24 How do daemons talk to each other? (wire messages)
0:49:55 Just kidding, let's go back to the lightning-dir
0:50:02 the regtest dir (in the lightning-dir folder)
0:51:00 the lightning-rfc file
0:52:30 Gossip stores + databases (gossip_store / lightningd.sqlite3)
0:57:28 hsm_secret (back this up!)
0:58:02 looking at the lightningd.sqlite3 database
0:59:45 how are the daemons talking to each other?
1:08:17 making a new wire message
1:19:36 adding a new RPC json command to CoreLN
1:30:18 Let's talk about the plugin architecture!
1:35:55 Let's fix an issue (#5271) with liquidity ads
1:36:22 nifty goes on a hunt for where in the code the problem is coming from
1:41:38 We found it! Let's figure out what we know when we get here..
1:45:20 Overview of the issue, we write a fix
1:50:57 How to test our fix (using the python integration tests/)
2:01:50 We got to find a real compact_lease from mainnet for test data
2:04:15 test passes! what else to check?
2:05:20 Making a PR to fix the issue
2:09:03 Final notes + comments (join us on Discord!)

Join us next week for our Fedimint deep dive!

Core Lightning Github:
Core Lightning Discord:
Core Lightning Twitter:
CoreLN Biweekly Dev Call: next one's monday!

Replit for CoreLN Walkthrough:
Base58 Website:

Pull request that @niftynei finishes:
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