0:44 - Introduction
1:35 - Biggest innovations happening in Bitcoin right now
4:11 - How long does a BIP take to get implemented into the Bitcoin protocol?
5:54 - What are Bitcoin's core principles?
8:32 - What off chain capabilities need to be deployed for Taproot to be considered successful?
13:43 - Thoughts on the 2017 fork wars and why small blocks won out
17:37 - Threats to Bitcoin that were bigger than the fork wars
19:09 - Impressions of El Salvador after visiting
21:49 - Do El Salvador citizens use Bitcoin for savings or for payment processing?
22:22 - Sentiment of Bitcoin amongst El Salvador citizens
24:20 - Surprising learnings after visiting El Salvador
26:19 - PTLC's in Lightning and the significance of having it on a day to day basis
29:54 - MuSig
31:45 - Predictions for Bitcoin in 2022