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Transcript: https://sicksub.network/LNJ047Transcript
This is the 47th episode of the Lightning Junkies podcast. In this episode we have Christian Decker, the final boss of the Lightning Network or otherwise known as Dr. Bitcoin. He’s known to have been very early in the development of Bitcoin and has authored some important papers related to Eltoo and Channel Factories among others. He’s currently working for Blockstream as a core protocol researcher.
Thanks to Anthony Ronning for contributing questions for this episode.
We talk about:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 5:28 - Christian Transitioning from BTC to Lightning Network
- 7:39 - The Evolution of the Lightning Network
- 23:04 - Multiparty Channels/Channel Factories
- 29:43 - Schnorr/Signature Aggregations Oh my!
- 33:20 - Are Channel Factories where we are headed?
- 35:22 - Would Channel Factories help with privacy?
- 41:02 - Multiparty Channel Trust and Complications
- 44:49 - Will Bitcoin’s Block Size be increased?
- 45:43 - Reasons why a layered approach is taken vs Block Size Increase
- 49:24 - Low Bandwidth Mesh Networks
- 51:32 - Use Case for Meshnets
- 58:22 - Lightning Network Privacy
- 1:04:55 - Point Time Lock Contracts/PTLCs
- 1:15:53 - The Pessimistic Outlook
- 1:16:57 - The Optimistic
- 1:19:10 - Call to Action
Christian Decker Website: http://snyke.net/publications/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Snyke
Eltoo Paper: https://blockstream.com/eltoo.pdf
Channel Factories Paper: https://nakamotoinstitute.org/static/docs/scalable-funding-of-bitcoin-micropayment-channel-networks.pdf
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