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Transcript: https://sicksub.network/LNJ049Transcript
In this episode of the podcast, we have Nicolas Burtey who is the Co-Founder / CEO at Galoy Wallet. Galoy Wallet is known for creating the branded “Bitcoin Beach” wallet in El Zonte, El Salvador. Bitcoin Beach is a project dedicated to the idea of a circular economy.
We talk about:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 1:50 - Nicolas’ intro to BTC/Lightning
- 4:20 - VR vs Lightning Network
- 6:13 - Developing on Frontier Technologies
- 8:41 - Grassroots Movement vs Corporate
- 11:26 - Created First Company
- 13:46 - Galoy Wallet Philosophy
- 18:05 - Local Reception
- 20:46 - Lightning Network Circular Economies
- 21:30 - Resistance to Lightning Onboarding
- 24:20 - Internet Penetration in El Salvador
- 25:33 - El Salvador, what has changed since Bitcoin 2021?
- 28:21 - Concerns about Chivo Wallet
- 31:00 - Privacy Concerns
- 33:29 - What does privacy look like on the Bitcoin Beach Wallet?
- 35:35 - How to improve Lightning UX?
- 38:36 - Will the Circular Economy Make Sense?
- 41:24 - Call to Action
- 45:04 - Positive Path
- 46:27 - Negative Path
Nicolas’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicolasburtey
Galoy’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/GaloyMoney
Galoy’s Website: https://galoy.io/
Bitcoin Beach: https://www.bitcoinbeach.com/
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