RHR #251: $10,000,000 for Open Source Projects - May 4, 2023

0:00 - OpenSats $10 mil
12:46 - Dashboard, mempool bets
29:54 - Bhutan mining
46:07- Biden wants to ban mining
53:35 - Banking crisis
1:10:50 - Debt crisis
1:21:05 - Venmo has bitcoin
1:24:20 - Balaji pays up
1:29:45- Debt ceiling shutdown
1:33:15 - Whitney Webb TFTC episode
1:37:00 - Lnd update
1:39:08 - Boostagrams
1:43:50 - Software updates
1:49:10 - Payjoin adoption
1:51:55 - LNMesh
1:55:00 - Shoutout to Fedi
1:58:41 - Wrapping up

$10M for free and open source software https://opensats.org/blog

Kingdom of Bhutan has been mining bitcoin since 2020, announces $500M mining fund to expand operations https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/05/03/2659973/0/en/Bitdeer-and-Druk-Holding-Investments-to-Jointly-Develop-Green-Digital-Asset-Mining-Operations-in-the-Kingdom-of-Bhutan.html?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Biden admin proposes 30% bitcoin mining tax https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2023/05/02/cost-of-cryptomining-dame-tax/?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

First Republic Bank fails, sold to JP Morgan https://www.fdic.gov/news/press-releases/2023/pr23034.html?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Venmo to finally enable self custody transfers https://newsroom.paypal-corp.com/2023-04-28-Introducing-Crypto-Transfers-for-Venmo-Customers?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Balaji capitulates on million dollar price call, donates an additional million https://balajis.com/fiat/

LND v0.16.2 https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/tag/v0.16.2-beta?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Lightning Terminal v0.9.2-alpha https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-terminal/releases/tag/v0.9.2-alpha?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Blixt Wallet v0.6.7 https://github.com/hsjoberg/blixt-wallet/releases/tag/v0.6.7?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Sphinx Relay v2.3.1 https://github.com/stakwork/sphinx-relay/releases/tag/v2.3.1?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Parmanode v2.3.4 https://github.com/ArmanTheParman/Parmanode/releases/tag/v2.3.4?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Alby Launches Nostr Wallet Connect https://blog.getalby.com/introducing-nostr-wallet-connect/?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Feni v0.1.8: Cashu Wallet & Mint Implementation in Golang https://github.com/cashubtc/cashu-feni/releases/tag/v0.1.8?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

AgoraDesk App v1.1.1 https://github.com/AgoraDesk-LocalMonero/agoradesk-app-foss/releases/tag/v1.1.1?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

MyNode v0.3.16 https://nitter.at/mynodebtc/status/1653150968454717442?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Zeus v0.7.5 https://github.com/ZeusLN/zeus/releases/tag/v0.7.5?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Nayuta Wallet v.0.1.7 https://medium.com/nayuta-en/nayuta-wallet-v0-1-7-released-e544e5159d5d?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Stack Duo v1.0.5 https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_duo/releases/tag/build_008?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Bisq v1.9.10 https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/releases/tag/v1.9.10?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Munstr: MuSig + Nostr https://github.com/0xBEEFCAF3/munstr?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Electrum v4.4.1 https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/releases/tag/4.4.1?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

Galoy v0.6.48 https://github.com/GaloyMoney/galoy/releases/tag/0.6.48?ref=nobsbitcoin.com

tracking growth in payjoin adoption https://payjoin.substack.com/p/tracking-growth-in-payjoin-adoption?sd=pf&ref=nobsbitcoin.com

LNMesh: Offline Lightning Network Payments Using Community Wireless Mesh Networks https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.14559?ref=nobsbitcoin.com
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