Yuri de Gaia, Partner at L2B Global (Reserve Bitcoin OTC, Liquiditi, Moontower) joins me to talk about Bitcoin’s two economies: the regulated compliant world, and the defiant crypto-anarchist world. We also talk about Bitcoin Citadels.
How they will grow
Do they support each other
Citadels, Monarchy, and Anarcho-capitalism
OTC Trading
Yuri Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Y_deGaia
Personal blog: https://degaia.co/
L2B Global (company) https://l2b.global
Bitcoin Reserve (HNWI brokerage) https://bitcoinreserve.com
The Bitcoin Reserve Journal (blog) https://journal.bitcoinreserve.com
Moontower (retail) https://moontower.co/
Liquiditi.io (Liquid asset swap tool) https://liquiditi.io/
Article: https://degaia.co/bitcoins-two-economies/