KDC#113:Titus Gebel&Jeff Booth-Making Vision for Free Private Cities based on Bitcoin

Titus Gebel- author of "Free Private Cities"-and Jeff Booth-author of "The Price of Tomorrow-Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future"-join me and my co-host, Stefanie von Jan, in this epic episode to talk about:
Making the Vision for Free Private Cities based on Bitcoin Reality.

twitter of Jeff Booth: @jeffbooth / @priceoftomorrow
twitter of Free Private Cities: @fpcitiesinc

Topics discussed:
Titus: Free private cities are private companies that act as service providers for protecting Life, liberty and property through security services and dispute resolution
difference to government: the free private city cannot change their contract with the people
if they would not stick to the rules, the citizens would leave the city
Governments shift from being demi-gods to service providers with the concept of free private cities
Free private city goes further than special economic zones to special administrative regions as those in Macau and Hong Kong
Jeff: Two forces competing
1) technological deflation which is exponential
2) debt creation and money printing which creates inflation and misery
Way out: deflationary technology Bitcoin
Titus: Problem is that the world is already taken by states, also difficult to establish a free private city on the sea, solution: make agreement with government in form of a win-win situation, governments need more efficient areas to keep their economy going (which is a confession that their laws are not best for business)
Jeff: Protection of Free private cities with military and robots requires deflation; when fiat hyperinflates, then wealth is wiped out - after the inflation comes a deflation
Titus: There are other problems than the government going after a free private cities when there is chaos and civil war everywhere
Jeff: Inflation is a hidden tax; those governments that adapt Bitcoin first will be in a great advantage; during the hyperinflation in Weimar some people did not leave because they could not move their wealth - Bitcoin fixes this, governments are forced to adapt a deflationary currency because their currency will otherwise fail
Titus: ideal private city allows a free market for money where the people decide which currency to chose
Stefanie: Taking all this together isn’t the best time to create Free private cities based on Bitcoin when the system crashes in hyperinflation and there is great chaos and civil unrest?
Titus: I was in my early 20s when the GDR collapsed, there was around a year where new systems were discussed but essentially it was about how to make socialism more democratic --- Free private cities as an alternative; so essentially after a collapse, there is a two year window of opportunity where it is much easier to establish free private cities - this is the time where it must be done, free private city can make order in chaos quickly, Titus and his team are currently designing blueprints for free private cities that can be used as they are or be adapted
Jeff: World trade needs to happen in Bitcoin, expects the USD to become stronger again before weaker, other governments are forced to print to keep the exchange rate to USD constant, unit of measurement is important for world trade, countries are desperate for citizens to pay tax and try to get them with good offers
Titus: governments could change rules again though
Jeff: Yes, but then the Bitcoiners simply leave
Titus: The system is broken: there is a small group of people that can impose their laws on the people and that can even change the constitution from one day to another - this is not possible with free private cities, Governments are like „we make decisions and you obey“ this is not how it should be, it is a human right to have the basic needs met, in contrast universal basic income only works when others are forced to work which is slavery - so this is no solution at all
Stefanie: What can each and everyone of us do to make the vision of free private cities based on Bitcoin become reality?
Titus: spread the idea of free private cities and Bitcoin
Jeff: get smaller governments to adopt Bitcoin

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