
Compass Mining: The Plug & Play Bitcoin Mining Option

*UPDATE BELOW* In today's video I walk through Compass Mining which is significantly lowering the barrier to Bitcoin mining. We talk about how it works, home vs. hosted, the latest mining profitability, and more!

-For full disclosure, I can say I've recently made an order with Compass and hope to be up-and-running by March 2022 at which point I can share personal experiences.
-Please also be advised I've started to see people complaining about delays. See example as follows: https://twitter.com/BitcoinCameron/status/1457775133175652353

I don't think this is entirely surprising given the status of supply chains, especially for these machines and components, but the feedback has gotten more vocal lately and it also sounds like the Compass team hasn't been particularly effective in communicating. I suspect this is a case of high demand / challenges with supply and a team that is doing their best but is likely overwhelmed and may be dropping the ball in some cases.

See Whit's (their CEO) response: https://twitter.com/BitcoinBroski/status/1457996159587274753?s=20

Stephan Livera did a Twitter Spaces with Whit , the recording of which will be uploaded to Stephan's YT so I encourage folks to check that out once it's made available.

So please do take this into account if you're considering Compass. At this point I think it would be wise to operate with the assumption that your machines WILL be at least somewhat delayed (until proven otherwise).
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