
“These Are Scary Times,” How Ukraine Will Fast Track the Great Reset | Stansberry Research

"We have a war between the East and the West with sanctions to punish Russia," says Willem Middelkoop, CDF founder and best-selling author. "The U.S. invested a lot of money to have this [Ukrainian] revolution in 2014, and Europe has the pain of this crisis," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Currently, "there is a lot at stake for the U.S.," in this conflict says Middelkoop. "Once Saudi Arabia, Russia and China agree on a new oil trading system, then things get very interesting very rapidly," he says. Cambone discusses Biden's most recent executive order on cryptocurrencies, where Middelkoop says that, "this executive order was the first confirmation that [the U.S.] will roll out the digital dollar in the next few years," continuing on to say it will have huge repercussions. "Authorities will love it because they will have control over their people and can follow each and every payment," he concludes.

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