1080 Podcasts

Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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CryptoQuikRead_187 - The Cryptocurrency Phenomenon [Part 2]

Continuing our journey through the incredibly thorough and knowledgeable work by iterative.capital t…
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CryptoQuikRead_186 - The Cryptocurrency Phenomenon [Part 1]

Today we start our journey through the incredibly thorough and knowledgeable work by iterative.capit…
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CryptoQuikRead_185 - Sorry Bitcoin is Still Anarchist [Zack Voell]

"Government involvement is usually limited to mediating the clash between incumbents and innovators.…
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CryptoQuikRead_184 - How Many Forks Does it Take to Get to the Center of Satoshi's Vision [Guy Swann

There is this wonderfully vague idea that I endlessly hear about called “Satoshi’s Vision.” I’ve rea…
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CryptoQuikRead_184 - How Many Forks Does it Take to Get to the Center of Satoshi's Vision [Guy S…

There is this wonderfully vague idea that I endlessly hear about called “Satoshi’s Vision.” I’ve rea…
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CryptoQuikRead_183 - Custody in the Age of Digital Assets [Fidelity Digital]

"What we’re witnessing with digital assets is a move back toward bearer assets — now that users of t…
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CryptoQuikRead_182 - The Business of Bitcoin Cold Storage [Nik Bhatia]

"As investors reallocate their current investment portfolios to include bitcoin, trillions of dollar…
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CryptoQuikRead_181 - Bitcoin's Existential Crisis [Nic Carter]

"If you build a system meant by its very nature to dis-intermediate third parties and exist independ…
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CryptoQuikRead_181 - Bitcoin's Existential Crisis [Nic Carter]

"If you build a system meant by its very nature to dis-intermediate third parties and exist independ…
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GuysTake_004 - The First Long Read & Coming Reading List

Another short update episode releasing the very first long read in full! Visit the website to listen…
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Shelling Out - The Origins of Money [Nick Szabo]

"The precursors of money, along with language, enabled early modern humans to solve problems of coop…
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GuysTake_003 - Casa Node First Impressions & A Few Updates

First impressions of the Casa Node and first issues standing in the way of my Lightning playtime. Th…
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CryptoQuikRead_180 - Bitcoin at 10 [beautyon_]

@Beautyon_ takes us through the realizations & predecessors that set the stage for Bitcoin and t…
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CryptoQuikRead_179 - Shelling Out - The Origins of Money [Part 4 - Nick Szabo]

Part 4! Today we finally conclude Nick Szabo's essential work, Shelling Out: The Origins of Money!  …
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CryptoQuikRead_178 - Shelling Out - The Origins of Money [Part 3 - Nick Szabo]

Part 3! of our journey through Nick Szabo's incredible work, Shelling Out: The Origins of Money.  A …
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CryptoQuikRead_177 - Shelling Out - The Origins of Money [Part 2 - Nick Szabo]

Part 2! of our journey through Nick Szabo's incredible work, Shelling Out: The Origins of Money.  A …
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CryptoQuikRead_176 - Shelling Out - The Origins of Money [Part 1 - Nick Szabo]

Today we begin our journey through Nick Szabo's incredible work, Shelling Out: The Origins of Money.…
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CryptoQuikRead_175 - Open Sourcing Subzero [Alok Menghrajani @CashApp]

Alok Menghrajani, security engineer at Square, details their Multisig & Hardware key management …
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CryptoQuikRead_174 - How Cypherpunks Changed Economics for the Digital Age [Vijay Boyapati]

Vijay Boyapati details in a Twitter thread, the brilliant but subtle shift that cypherpunks discover…
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CryptoQuikRead_173 - Reimagining Trusted Intermediaries [Avichal Garg]

We are in the midst of a global collapse in trusted institutions. #Bitcoin and blockchain tech enabl…
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CryptoQuikRead_172 - Bitcoin's Distribution Was Fair [Dan Held]

As Bitcoin continues to succeed against all odds, there are more and more claims of how its “unfair”…
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CryptoQuikRead_172 - Bitcoin's Distribution Was Fair [Dan Held]

As Bitcoin continues to succeed against all odds, there are more and more claims of how its “unfair”…
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CryptoChat_007 - The One and Only @Real_Vijay

Today we chat with @Real_Vijay about Bitcoin maximalism, growing internet censorship, standing up to…
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CryptoQuikRead_171 - Mr Fantastic, A Response to Nouriel Roubini’s Senate Testimony [Daniel Goldman]

“It’s a shame, then, given all the things he was saying that indeed needed saying, that the useful s…