1080 Podcasts

Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_624 - Riding the Lightning Network [Sam Callahan]

"Despite all of these constraints, the free market finally provided the competition these incumbent …
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PSA - Price Be Crashin 2022!

Welcome to Bitcoin!
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Guy's Take #54 - CTV, Blockspace Debt, & TX Grenades

Today I want to isolate the problem I brought up briefly in the previous CTV episode and expand on h…
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Guy's Take #54 - CTV, Blockspace Debt, & TX Grenades

[Caveat - A critical piece of the puzzle I lay out in this episode was something I incorrectly under…
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Read_623 - Response to the Huffman Letter to the EPA [Bitcoin Mining Council]

"It is imperative that elected officials in the United States recognize that bitcoin, and the innova…
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Guy's Take_53 - Let's Talk CTV

Everybody take a deep breath! Right now all the drama on Twitter and the Bitcoin community is all ab…
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Guy's Take_53 - Let's Talk CTV

Everybody take a deep breath! Right now all the drama on Twitter and the Bitcoin community is all ab…
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Read_622 - Silent Payments & Secret Blinding Keys [Shinobi]

"One issue with Bitcoin’s privacy, the ability to receive funds without giving up valuable informati…
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Read_621 - I Finance the Current Thing [Allen Farrington]

"Even if you knew this was complete and utter bullshit, and that being an agent and not a principal …
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Read_620 - Reading of the Transcription of the Recording of the HODL vs DeaterBob "Debate" [Stephen …

"You’re a thirsty bitch. You like to gargle Peter’s balls." - DeaterBobThis is happening and there i…
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Read_620 - Reading of the Transcription of the Recording of the HODL vs DeaterBob "Debate" […

"You’re a thirsty bitch. You like to gargle Peter’s balls." - DeaterBobThis is happening and there i…
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Read_619 - Bitcoin Mining & The Gird, Part 1 - Generators [Blake King]

"Bitcoin miners are unique because of how fast, transparent, and flexible their response can be to p…
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Read_618 - Expanding Functionality in Lightning Implementations [Shinobi]

"There are still many extensions to build out in the protocol and areas with unsolved scaling issues…
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Read_617 - Announcing Taro, Multi-Asset Bitcoin & Lightning [Ryan Gentry]

"Taro enables bitcoin to serve as a protocol of value by allowing app developers to integrate assets…
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Chat_68 - Keysend Maximalism & LNpay with Bootstrap Bandit

LNpay, LNURL, LNauth, streaming sats, Bolt12, the past and future of Lightning. We dig into tons of …
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Read_616 - Current State of Lightning Privacy [Tony]

"Besides the advantage of near-instant payments, there can be privacy improvements to Lightning as w…
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Guy's Take #52 - Follow up to Read 615 - The State vs Bitcoin

This episode is because the previous read by Steve Barbour deserved a Guy's Take. Before we change t…
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Guy's Take #52 - Follow up to Read 615 - The State vs Bitcoin

This episode is because the previous read by Steve Barbour deserved a Guy's Take. Before we change t…
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Read_615 - The State vs Bitcoin [Steve Barbour]

"As with freedom and oppression, Bitcoin and State money may exist in a perpetual tug of war between…
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Read_614 - ...and Then They Fight You [SovrynMindset]

"Much more to say. This is just a starting point, but I'm interested in Bitcoin for its potential to…
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Read_613 - Against the Inevitability of Bitcoin [Ariel Deschapell]

"...This purpose flounders, however, if their own evangelists and the community at large fails to la…
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Read_612 - Energy Cancelled [Arthur Hayes]

"On a medium-term basis, it is time to back up the John Deere excavator and scoop up as much gold an…
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Read_611 - The Freedom of Value [Dergig]

"Thus, given enough time and popularity, every movie, every song, and every document will be availab…
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Read_610 - The Invisible Cost of War - Part 2 [Alex Gladstein]

"In sum, the U.S. government has shown that — through the GFC, repo spike crisis in 2019 and pandemi…