40281 Search results
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Andreas Brekken on Coding, Bitcoin and Liberty (Sideshift.ai)

Andreas shares his thoughts on global politics and finance and ties it back to bitcoin. Learn why hi…
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Eric Voskuil is the Most Rational Bitcoiner - WBD155

Location: Los Angeles Date: Friday, 26th September Project: Libbitcoin Role: Lead Developer Bitcoin …
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CryptoQuikRead_302 - Bitcoin is Not Too Volatile [Parker Lewis]

To think that a hard monetary asset, with a perfectly inelastic supply, could go from a $0 market wi…
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Honigdachs #43 – Rückblick HCPP19

Die 43. Folge Honigdachs ist da, dem Bitcoin-Podcast, den Stefan, Manuel und ich ins Leben gerufen h…
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Hunter Horsley: Bitwise Asset Management (EP.06)

Hunter Horsley, the co-founder and CEO of Bitwise Asset Management joins the show to discuss the cry…
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One Of A Kind: Why Bitcoin is 'The Next Bitcoin'

In this talk, Andreas addresses the speculation about what will be the "next Bitcoin" or the "next E…
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Can Bitcoin Replace Government-Issued Money? Saifedean Ammous debates George Selgin

"Bitcoin is poorly suited to the purpose of becoming any nation's main medium of exchange."That was …
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Planâ‚ż on Bitcoin's Stock to Flow - WBD154

Location: Skype Date: Tuesday, 1st October Project: Independent Trader Role: Bitcoin Quant Analyst S…
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Aleks Svetski, Founder of Amber: Why The Bitcoin Price Is Wrong

Aleks Svetski is the founder of Amber. In this conversation, Aleks and Anthony Pompliano discuss Bit…
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CryptoQuikRead_301 - Bitcoin Equals Freedom [Ross Ulbricht]

Following the anniversary of Ross Ulbricht's arrest, and the fall of the Silk Road experiment, we re…
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Giacomo Zucco: State Level Attacks, Privacy, Lightning and Layer 3 Protocols

Citizen Bitcoin on TwitterCitizen Bitcoin PodcastCitizen Bitcoin Lightning ShopCitizen Bitcoin Layer…