40242 Search results
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A Reading: The Technical Foundation of Bitcoin Maximalism

Brady reads through and discusses three recent Twitter threads that explain the technical foundation…
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CryptoQuikRead_075 - Homo Sapiens, Evolution, Money & Bitcoin

An exploration of history, anthropology, communication and evolution searching for the answers to wh…
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CryptoQuikRead_074 - Securing Your Financial Sovereignty

The true disruptive potential of Bitcoin is that we can guarantee our own financial sovereignty with…
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TIP191: Jim Rickards (Part 2) Artificial Intelligence, Bitcoin, and Credit Cycles (Business Podcast)

Jim Rickards is a New York Times Best Selling Author and major authority in central banking policy.&…
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CryptoQuikRead_073 - Introducing TxTenna: Decentralizing the Last Mile in Bitcoin

Building a robust, censorship resistant, and globally available financial network, reliance on centr…
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CryptoQuikRead_071 - Why Blockchain is Hard

Are Bitcoin maximalists just cultist fools? Or are they realists who have yet to see a solid case fo…
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A Porn Star’s Take on Cryptocurrency - Brenna Sparks

Recently, a Las Vegas strip club was in the news for advertising their acceptance of bitcoin. Stripp…
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Honigdachs #26 – Bitcoin-Maximalismus

Der Hype um "Blockchain" geht zu Ende. Doch was kommt danach? Die Antwort ist einfach: Bitcoin! Denn…
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The Life of Roger Ver

In his early 30's, Roger Ver was pretty much retired. Then he discovered bitcoin. And he was hooked.…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Public Keys vs. Addresses

What is the difference between public keys and addresses? How are new addresses generated? How are c…
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Bitcoin's Chief Economist - Jeffrey Tucker

Esteemed economist Jeffrey Tucker, like most of us, didn't immediately wrap his head around bitcoin.…
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Bitcoin's Chief Economist - Jeffrey Tucker

Esteemed economist Jeffrey Tucker, like most of us, didn't immediately wrap his head around bitcoin.…
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CryptoQuikRead_064 - The Future of Bitcoin - What Lightning Could Look Like

Splicing Payments, Submarine Swaps, Atomic Swaps, Dual-Funded Channels, Eltoo, Channel Factories, AM…
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CryptoQuikRead_063 - Atomic Swaps, How the Lightning Network Extends to Altcoins

The Lightning network is a new protocol layer that not only has implications for Bitcoin payments, b…
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Ethereum: Is it a Security? Is it Secure?

Tommy and Brady take a look at Ethereum, discuss the debate about whether or not it is a security in…