41437 Search results
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Grid Harmony with Troy Cross and Bitcoin Bassload

Troy Cross and Bitcoin Bassload Treble + Bass = Energy Grid Harmony   In this electrifying episode o…
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Adam Back on Bitcoin Adoption and Innovation - Freedom Footprint Show 50

Joining us is none other than Dr. Adam Back: co-founder and CEO of Blockstream, the mind behind Hash…
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185. Fiat Ruins Everything with Jimmy Song

Bitcoin coder Jimmy Song joins us to discuss his wonderful new book: Fiat Ruins Everything.Enjoyed t…
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Trennung von Staat und Geld: Jede Attacke macht Bitcoin stärker - Alex Eser

Bitcoin ist eine Idee und eine Idee kann nicht sterben: Der Ökonom und Unternehmer Alex Eser hat ein…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Jam Session #53: Catching up

After a bit of a summer lull, we caught up on the guide and where things are at. We have a few open …
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Episode 174 - Pocket Bitcoin: Lightning, App & BaFin mit David Knezić

In dieser Folge haben wir David, den Gründer und CEO von Pocket Bitcoin, zu Gast. Wir schauen uns …
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BCB126_JASON MAIER: Why The Left & Right Can Agree On Bitcoin

Jason Maier — author of A Progressive’s Case for Bitcoin — joins Dan & Josh for a discussion abo…
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The Nature of Money and Bitcoin with Robert Breedlove (WiM363)

In this episode with Scott McBlane, we discuss the nature of money, the attributes of ideal money, t…
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Valuing Bitcoin with Peter Dunworth - WBD707

Peter Dunworth runs a multi-family office for high-net-worth families. In this interview, we discuss…
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Weekly Roundup 09/08/23 (The Bitcoin security budget, Visa onboards stables, 2 years of El Salvador …

Matt and Nic are back with another week of news and deals. In this episode:  Ryan Salame pleads gui…
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Bitcoin and Nuclear Energy with Ryan MacLeod - Freedom Footprint Show 49

In this episode we have Ryan MacLeod, also known as NuclearBitcoinr on Twitter, for a discussion abo…
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Honigdachs #88 - Die Riga-Connection

Welche Rolle spielt ein Freiheits- und Unabhängigkeitsprojekt wie Bitcoin in Lettland, einem vom Kam…
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