
Deep Dive Into Erlay With Ivan Beschastnikh, Associate Professor of Computer Science, UBC


Written by Alexandra Moxin

In this episode I spend some time with Ivan Beschastnikh, Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and co-author of the Erlay paper a proposed Bandwidth-Efficient Transaction Relay for Bitcoin. Erlay suggests improvements to the bandwidth efficiency of Bitcoin nodes by proposing changes to the way transactions are disseminated.

Erlay was co-authored by Gleb Naumenko, formerly of UBC CompSci who is currently in residency with Chaincode labs, Pieter Wuille, Bitcoin Core developer and co-founder of Blockstream, Gregory Maxwell, Bitcoin Core developer, co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Blockstream and Alexandra (Sasha) Fedorova of UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).

We also discuss Biscotti: A Ledger for Private and Secure Peer-to-Peer Machine Learning, a distributed machine learning system currently under development. The system proposes changes to the current centralized model of storing data and explores the boundaries of federated learning.

Closing out the episode Ivan mentions his interest in network devices such as programmable switches, construction of distributed systems and program synthesis. He asks listeners for their thoughts about applications and incentives for distributed peer to peer machine learning systems. You can reach Ivan via his website.


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