Money Is Dying: You Need to Take Cash Out of Banks and the System, Urges Willem Middelkoop


We are enduring the "Super Inflation Crisis," which differs from hyperinflation, and is interconnected to supply chain and food shortages, says Willem Middelkoop, CDF founder and author.

He warns that it's very hard to stop the spiral of distrust felt by people, generating concerns about currencies and government bonds. "China understands that the U.S. is in decline and they're on the rise," Middelkoop tells our Daniela Cambone, "and are working towards the year 2049, building their power and influence in the world in the longterm."

He says gold is an insurance for your worth, "and cash in the bank is risky," advising people to take money out of the system. "I expect more financial repression from the governments," and there will be a huge fight between cryptocurrencies and the fiat system, he concludes.

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