Prepare for Financial Disaster in 2022, Warns Forecaster Gerald Celente | Outlook 2022


"The real inflation rate is about 15%," cites Gerald Celente, Trends Journal Founder. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates we will see, "the biggest crash in world history," Celente predicts in this edition of Outlook 2022: The Tipping Point. Every day the bigs are getting bigger, and "look again at merger and acquisition activity," he tells our Daniela Cambone. He doubles down on previous remarks on government officials running a, "crime syndicate in front of everybody's eyes." There will be a lot of entrepreneurial opportunities within the metaverse, Celente believes, saying "it's going to go to a whole other level." Silver is one of the best conductors of electricity, and will be instrumental in powering solar panels to the metaverse, and "that's why I'm bullish on silver," he concludes.

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